* Continuing with the COVID, always the COVID I will -still- rock my jean jacket with the Iron Maiden backpatch from time to time. I was each of these kids at some point or another in my life. The lampshades to its reference materials are fun. Working through season 4 (part 1) of Stranger Things. * Cloning adversaries was duplicating the entire catalog oopsĢ022.05.29 :: STRANGER THINGS_ * Added some emojis to certain log entries to call them out better visually (e.g., stop sign on ERROR) * Did a refactor on the logging system regarding log levels to now SQL, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, MONEY * Basic integration for subscription systems.

* Don't try to stuff 6 megabytes of text into the notes field * Better response for FreezePeach.isShitty() (was sometimes returning undefined which was triggering a false positive) * Some clean up where it was overly aggressive. * Increased general space available for a document (from TEXT to MEDIUMTEXT) This is just the item names for now it needs a lot of expansion to behave more like a Catalog Feather's visions * Created a very simple catalog browsing sidecar that connects to Entity Feathers and allows for quick adding of items to the entity It's capable of loading the Fate Core rulebook, but there's some clean up it needs. if not it assumes whole document is content, and tries to grab a title from the first h1 or h2 it sees Structure, it parses metadata from and uses as content